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From Pitch to Publication: The Insider’s Guide to Successful Media Coverage



Media coverage can be a powerful tool for gaining exposure, building your brand, and reaching your target audience. However, the process of getting your story published can be a daunting task. From crafting the perfect pitch to navigating the editorial process, there are many steps involved in achieving successful media coverage. In this insider’s guide, we will explore the key strategies and tactics for getting your story from pitch to publication.

Crafting the Perfect Pitch

The first step in achieving successful media coverage is crafting the perfect pitch. A pitch is essentially a proposal for a story that you would like a journalist or publication to cover. Here are some key tips for crafting a winning pitch:

  1. Research your target publications: Before you start crafting your pitch, it’s important to do your research. This means identifying the publications that are most likely to be interested in your story. Look for publications that cover topics related to your business or industry, and make a list of the journalists who cover those topics.
  2. Keep it concise: Journalists are busy people, and they receive countless pitches every day. To increase your chances of getting noticed, it’s important to keep your pitch concise and to the point. Your pitch should be no longer than a few paragraphs, and it should clearly convey the main idea of your story.
  3. Be newsworthy: Journalists are looking for stories that are timely, relevant, and newsworthy. Your pitch should highlight why your story is important and why it should be covered now.
  4. Personalize your pitch: Journalists receive a lot of generic pitches every day. To stand out, it’s important to personalize your pitch. Address the journalist by name, reference their previous work, and explain why you think they would be interested in your story.

Navigating the Editorial Process

Once you’ve crafted the perfect pitch, the next step is to navigate the editorial process. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it’s essential for getting your story published. Here are some key tips for navigating the editorial process:

  • Follow up: After you’ve sent your pitch, it’s important to follow up with the journalist or publication. This shows that you’re committed and interested in working with them, and it gives you the opportunity to answer any questions they may have.
  • Be patient: The editorial process can take time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect an immediate response, and be prepared to follow up several times if necessary.
  • Be flexible: It’s possible that the journalist or publication may have some feedback or suggestions for your story. Be open to these suggestions and be willing to make changes if necessary.
  • Provide supporting materials: To increase your chances of getting your story published, it’s a good idea to provide supporting materials such as high-quality images, data, or expert quotes.

Build Relationships

Finally, building relationships with journalists and publications can be a key strategy for achieving successful media coverage. Here are some tips for building relationships:

  • Follow journalists on social media: Following journalists on social media is a great way to get a sense of what they’re interested in and what stories they’re covering.
  • Engage with journalists: Engage with journalists on social media by commenting on their posts and sharing their work. This can help you build a relationship and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Attend industry events: Attending industry events can be a great way to meet journalists in person and build relationships.
  • Send thank-you notes: After a journalist has covered your story, send a thank-you note to express your appreciation. This can help build a positive relationship and increase your chances of getting coverage in the future.

By following these key strategies and tactics, you can increase your chances of achieving successful media coverage for your brand or business. Remember, media coverage can be a powerful tool for gaining exposure and building your brand, so it’s worth investing the time and effort to get it right.


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Things to Do Before Starting a Checking Account




When you open a checking account, it’s essential to plan ahead. You want to ensure that the account is suitable for what you need and that you have enough money to keep in the account. Here are some things to consider before opening a new checking account:

Choose the right account type

You can open a checking account with a traditional bank, which means you’ll need to do what’s called “person-to-person” banking. This means you will have a relationship with the bank, and your money will be under their full control.

Some banks have branches in multiple cities across the United States and even overseas. Still, others only have one location, which may make it harder to access your money if you live far away from where they’re headquartered.

A second option is electronic banking: This is when you use an ATM or mobile device (like an Apple Pay) to withdraw cash from an ATM or send money between accounts without going into a branch. As per SoFi professionals you can, “Set up direct deposit to automatically get your paycheck up to two days early every time you get paid.” So opting for direct deposit early is a good option, too, for your bank account.

Look for perks but don’t count on them

It’s worth noting that most of these perks are not guaranteed and can change anytime. Also, keep in mind that perks are not a reason to choose an account. For example, if you’re just looking for the best interest rate, then a no-frills checking account might be more appropriate for you.

Finally, note that some of these may only be available in certain states or regions, something to keep in mind if there’s something specific about a particular account perk that appeals to you.

Pay attention to account limits

Most banks have specific rules about the frequency and size of withdrawals from ATMs, transfers between accounts, overdraft fees, credit lines and checks written. If you don’t know what those limits are, it will be difficult for you to avoid exceeding them. The Federal Reserve has an ATM locator that lists most banks’ locations for cash machines across the country; this can be helpful if you’re planning on traveling during your initial days with a checking account.

Get your finances in order before opening an account

Before you open a checking account, it’s vital to get your finances in order. This means creating a budget, paying off any debt you may have, and saving money for emergencies. It also means ensuring you have enough money to cover the monthly fees associated with maintaining your new checking account.

Most banks offer free accounts that require no minimum balance and no monthly fee, but if your bank does charge a fee and if this is something that will affect your ability to open an account there, then it’s worth considering other options first before going forward with opening one at this particular bank.


If you’re starting a checking account for the first time, it can be overwhelming. However, there are so various options available that it can sometimes be challenging to know where to start. They have outlined some of your favorite things to do before starting a checking account above so you can get started on your path towards financial freedom.

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How Many Types of IRA Are There?




An IRA is a type of savings account that’s designed to help you save for retirement. There are different types of IRAs, and each one has its own pros and cons. In this guide, you’ll go over the different retirement account types so you can figure out which one might be right for you.

Traditional IRA

A traditional IRA is a type of retirement account qualified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can open one at any bank or brokerage firm, and you can contribute up to $6,000 per year. You won’t pay taxes on the money until it’s withdrawn—then you’ll pay ordinary income tax rates on your earnings.

This is advantageous if you think your tax rate will be lower in retirement than it is now because income earned from investments grows tax-deferred rather than being subject to capital gains taxes. However, anyone who participates in a qualified plan at work won’t be eligible for an IRA deduction anyway (they already get their employer match).

Roth IRA

A Roth IRA is funded with post-tax dollars, but it grows tax-free. This means that you don’t get a current tax deduction on your contribution, but you won’t pay taxes when you withdraw the money in retirement.

You can withdraw your contributions at any time without penalty. If you’ve held onto the account for at least five years and are 59½ or older, you can take out up to $10,000 of earnings without paying any penalty—and after 59½, all your earnings are available without penalty as well.


If you’re self-employed, the SEP IRA is an excellent option. It’s a traditional IRA that lets you contribute more money than a traditional IRA.

The SEP IRA is designed for small-business owners who want to save for retirement but don’t have employees or other workers. The plan is easy to set up and maintain, and it allows you to put away a lot of money each year.


A SIMPLE IRA is a retirement plan that’s easy to set up and maintain. It’s also one type of individual retirement account (IRA). In this article, you’ll be explained what a SIMPLE IRA is, how it works, and why you should consider using one if you’re self-employed.

Typically, an employer would set up a 401(k) or other qualified plan for its employees so they can save for retirement on their own without having to worry about setting up and maintaining an individual account themselves. However, there are some types of businesses that don’t need such a plan because they have fewer than 100 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs).

For example:

  • A sole proprietor who hires one part-time employee during a busy season.
  • A law firm with 1 lawyer and 1 paralegal.

As per financial experts like SoFi, “Understanding the nuances of these different retirement plans, like their tax benefits and various drawbacks, may help you choose the right mix of plans to achieve your financial goals in your golden years.”

The good news is that there are plenty of options for you to choose from. Whether you decide on a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA depends on your current income level, how much money you have saved up, and whether or not you want to pay taxes upfront or later (or never). The SIMPLE IRA is also pretty easy to set up since it only requires that you make contributions and don’t have any expenses associated with running the account.

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Things To Do Before Starting Your Business




You’re a business owner. That’s great! But there are things that you need to do before starting your business, even if they don’t sound like fun. Not every financial institute is ready to offer you startup business loans with no revenue. Therefore,following these steps is the best way to keep your business healthy and get easy financial help.

Pick an EIN and register your business.

You’ll first want to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN), which acts as a unique identification number for your business. This will allow you to open a bank account and be recognized as a legitimate business by the IRS, state, and other agencies. You’ll also need it when applying for licenses or permits, registering with the Secretary of State’s office in your state, and applying for trademarks or patents.

It’s easy! You can apply online through the IRS website using Form SS-4 or by calling 1-800-829-4933. Their customer service line is available 24/7 if you need help completing the form over the phone.

Get a business banking account and credit card.

There are several reasons why you should open a business checking account, including:

  • It allows you to access your funds like a personal account without paying fees.
  • Using it will help distinguish your business finances from your finances.

Register for taxes.

Next, you need to register for taxes. But you can’t do this until your business is officially formed. So it’s best to wait before getting a tax ID number and setting up an account with QuickBooks or another accounting software program if you don’t plan on using an accountant.

Take care of your legalities.

As you start your business, ensuring that you have all of the legalities taken care of is vital. This includes getting a business license and permits and complying with all regulations. You will also want to ensure that your website complies with all laws and regulations.

Make sure you have insurance.

Even if you work out of your home, having insurance is still a must. It would be best if you had at least the following types of insurance:

  • Property damage liability
  • General liability
  • Business interruption coverage

If you want to apply for a loan, Lantern by SoFi experts explains, “Even with bad credit, you can present an in-depth business plan that outlines your strategies for success and how you plan to use the funding. A business forecast can also be helpful in giving the lender an idea of your expected cash flow in the coming months or year.”

Use financial and accounting software.

Accounting software can help you manage your business finances and keep track of your money. It is specifically designed to assist in accounting, cash flow management, and taxes. In addition, it helps track all aspects of a business, including income and expenses.

For example, many people use accounting software to organize their finances and track sales trends over time to know when it’s time to adjust inventory or make other changes based on current market conditions.

All in all, starting your own business is a big and exciting undertaking. The first thing you need to do is ensure that you are fully prepared for the journey ahead. But if you’re unsure where to start, these tips will help get your business off on the right foot.

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