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Things to Do Before Starting a Checking Account



When you open a checking account, it’s essential to plan ahead. You want to ensure that the account is suitable for what you need and that you have enough money to keep in the account. Here are some things to consider before opening a new checking account:

Choose the right account type

You can open a checking account with a traditional bank, which means you’ll need to do what’s called “person-to-person” banking. This means you will have a relationship with the bank, and your money will be under their full control.

Some banks have branches in multiple cities across the United States and even overseas. Still, others only have one location, which may make it harder to access your money if you live far away from where they’re headquartered.

A second option is electronic banking: This is when you use an ATM or mobile device (like an Apple Pay) to withdraw cash from an ATM or send money between accounts without going into a branch. As per SoFi professionals you can, “Set up direct deposit to automatically get your paycheck up to two days early every time you get paid.” So opting for direct deposit early is a good option, too, for your bank account.

Look for perks but don’t count on them

It’s worth noting that most of these perks are not guaranteed and can change anytime. Also, keep in mind that perks are not a reason to choose an account. For example, if you’re just looking for the best interest rate, then a no-frills checking account might be more appropriate for you.

Finally, note that some of these may only be available in certain states or regions, something to keep in mind if there’s something specific about a particular account perk that appeals to you.

Pay attention to account limits

Most banks have specific rules about the frequency and size of withdrawals from ATMs, transfers between accounts, overdraft fees, credit lines and checks written. If you don’t know what those limits are, it will be difficult for you to avoid exceeding them. The Federal Reserve has an ATM locator that lists most banks’ locations for cash machines across the country; this can be helpful if you’re planning on traveling during your initial days with a checking account.

Get your finances in order before opening an account

Before you open a checking account, it’s vital to get your finances in order. This means creating a budget, paying off any debt you may have, and saving money for emergencies. It also means ensuring you have enough money to cover the monthly fees associated with maintaining your new checking account.

Most banks offer free accounts that require no minimum balance and no monthly fee, but if your bank does charge a fee and if this is something that will affect your ability to open an account there, then it’s worth considering other options first before going forward with opening one at this particular bank.


If you’re starting a checking account for the first time, it can be overwhelming. However, there are so various options available that it can sometimes be challenging to know where to start. They have outlined some of your favorite things to do before starting a checking account above so you can get started on your path towards financial freedom.

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From Pitch to Publication: The Insider’s Guide to Successful Media Coverage




Media coverage can be a powerful tool for gaining exposure, building your brand, and reaching your target audience. However, the process of getting your story published can be a daunting task. From crafting the perfect pitch to navigating the editorial process, there are many steps involved in achieving successful media coverage. In this insider’s guide, we will explore the key strategies and tactics for getting your story from pitch to publication.

Crafting the Perfect Pitch

The first step in achieving successful media coverage is crafting the perfect pitch. A pitch is essentially a proposal for a story that you would like a journalist or publication to cover. Here are some key tips for crafting a winning pitch:

  1. Research your target publications: Before you start crafting your pitch, it’s important to do your research. This means identifying the publications that are most likely to be interested in your story. Look for publications that cover topics related to your business or industry, and make a list of the journalists who cover those topics.
  2. Keep it concise: Journalists are busy people, and they receive countless pitches every day. To increase your chances of getting noticed, it’s important to keep your pitch concise and to the point. Your pitch should be no longer than a few paragraphs, and it should clearly convey the main idea of your story.
  3. Be newsworthy: Journalists are looking for stories that are timely, relevant, and newsworthy. Your pitch should highlight why your story is important and why it should be covered now.
  4. Personalize your pitch: Journalists receive a lot of generic pitches every day. To stand out, it’s important to personalize your pitch. Address the journalist by name, reference their previous work, and explain why you think they would be interested in your story.

Navigating the Editorial Process

Once you’ve crafted the perfect pitch, the next step is to navigate the editorial process. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it’s essential for getting your story published. Here are some key tips for navigating the editorial process:

  • Follow up: After you’ve sent your pitch, it’s important to follow up with the journalist or publication. This shows that you’re committed and interested in working with them, and it gives you the opportunity to answer any questions they may have.
  • Be patient: The editorial process can take time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect an immediate response, and be prepared to follow up several times if necessary.
  • Be flexible: It’s possible that the journalist or publication may have some feedback or suggestions for your story. Be open to these suggestions and be willing to make changes if necessary.
  • Provide supporting materials: To increase your chances of getting your story published, it’s a good idea to provide supporting materials such as high-quality images, data, or expert quotes.

Build Relationships

Finally, building relationships with journalists and publications can be a key strategy for achieving successful media coverage. Here are some tips for building relationships:

  • Follow journalists on social media: Following journalists on social media is a great way to get a sense of what they’re interested in and what stories they’re covering.
  • Engage with journalists: Engage with journalists on social media by commenting on their posts and sharing their work. This can help you build a relationship and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Attend industry events: Attending industry events can be a great way to meet journalists in person and build relationships.
  • Send thank-you notes: After a journalist has covered your story, send a thank-you note to express your appreciation. This can help build a positive relationship and increase your chances of getting coverage in the future.

By following these key strategies and tactics, you can increase your chances of achieving successful media coverage for your brand or business. Remember, media coverage can be a powerful tool for gaining exposure and building your brand, so it’s worth investing the time and effort to get it right.


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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Plastic Roll




Plastic Roll made from petroleum is used to make polythene sheets (you may also hear it referred to as polyethylene sheeting, poly sheeting, plastic sheeting, plastic film and poly film).

A versatile product. Polythene doesn’t let much water through, but it does have holes that let gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and flavorings pass through. Because it can be clear, see-through, or opaque, it can be used for many different things and is therefore very valuable.

Polythene sheeting is usually sold in rolls of plastic, but it can also be bought in boxes of cut sheets. The way it works can be changed by adding different things to it. These additives can make the material flame-resistant, UV-resistant (if it will be used outside), anti-static (so it can be used on printed circuit boards), high- or low-slip, strong, or flexible, depending on what is needed. It could also be made from virgin grade polythene, BRC-certified for food use, or recycled polythene. It could also contain a volatile, corrosive inhibitor to stop rust from forming on the object it covers.

Polythene Sheeting with Varying Densities and Thicknesses:

It can be found in several different gauges, which refer to the traditional imperial measuring system and microns (the European metric standard). The microns or gauge number gives you an idea of how thick the film is. Due to their different qualities, the different thicknesses are better for different uses. Light-duty polythene sheeting has a thickness of about 86 microns, but it is still very thin. It is used as a dust cover or to protect things when painting or spraying.

Medium-duty polythene sheets are about 125 microns thick and can be used to protect things in general and cover big things like furniture. It can also protect floors while painting or decorating and can be used to wrap things when putting them away or moving them. Gardening is often used to make clothes and warm the ground.

Heavy-duty sheeting has a thickness of about 250 microns and is used when more protection is needed, usually in industrial or construction settings. It can be used as a damp-proof membrane, a temporary roof or window repair, to seal off rooms or protect counters, to protect against the weather, and as heavy-duty wrapping while being stored or moved.

Different colors and tones:

Polythene sheets can be clear, colored, or tinted, and they come in a lot of different colors so that they can be used to color-code things. It can be printed to spread information and get the word out about a brand.

Black plastic sheeting is much better at blocking ultraviolet radiation than other colors. This means it won’t break down as quickly in sunlight as in other colors. There are also different sizes of plastic sheeting rolls (Polythene supplies rolls up to 4 meters wide). To make it easier to use and store, it can be folded in the middle, folded multiple times, or have perforations that make it easier to tear off pieces of the sheet from the Roll. You can also add tiny holes or perforations to the film to help it breathe and stop it from misting or fogging.

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The Best Approach to Polar Fleece for Every Personality Type




Polyester polar fleece is a good insulator, and the surface has a napped texture that gives the material a nice feel. Synthetic material that looks like plush and can keep heat in. Its surface is soft and has a “napped” look. Even though polar fleece, also called microfleece, is much lighter than wool, it has many of the same qualities. Microfleece is another name for polar fleece. You can also say “polar fleece” when talking about “microfleece.”

Even though it is light, toasty, warm, and pleasant simultaneously, it is flexible. Even wet, it doesn’t soak up water because it is hydrophobic. This means that it keeps its ability to keep the heat even when wet. This is related to the fact that it doesn’t like water. Also, the material lets a lot of air pass through it.

On the other hand, if it hasn’t been treated with a flame retardant, it’s a big fire risk. Also, it doesn’t stand up to the wind and builds up a static charge that attracts things like lint, dirt, and hair. On top of that, it might be likely to pill.


Fleece is a type of fabric with many of the good things people usually think of when they think of wool, but it is much lighter than even the lightest woolens on the market today. It feels soft and warm to the touch, like velvet. Polar fleece clothes are often available in a range of thicknesses, such as micro, 100, 200, and 300, with 300 being the thickest and most substantial options available to consumers.

Because it doesn’t like to soak up water, it can’t hold more than 1% of its weight in liquid at any given time. Even when wet, it still has a lot of the insulating properties that it usually has. It can be washed in a machine and dries in a reasonable amount of time after being washed. It is a better choice than wool in many ways because it has many benefits (of particular importance to those who are allergic or sensitive to wool). It’s possible that recycled fleece or even PET bottles could be used to make this product. Even though it looks and feels fuzzy, it is not flammable. Instead, it melts when it comes in contact with flame. Despite how it looks and feels, it is not at all flammable.

It’s not a good idea to use polar fleece that hasn’t been treated because it doesn’t let water drain away and doesn’t block the wind (although this is often seen as a benefit, per above). Fleece tends to make a lot of static electricity, making it easy for lint, dust, and even the hair of animals like cats and dogs to stick to. All of these things may ruin it if you wash it at a high temperature, tumble it, dries it at a high temperature, or iron it at high heat. If the polar fleece is of a lower quality, it is also more likely to get little balls on it over time.


Polar fleece is often used to make high-performance outerwear like coats, hats, sweaters, sweatpants, cloth diapers, fitness clothing, hoodies, and blankets. Polar fleece is also often used to make sweatpants and cloth diapers. In addition to that, it is also used to make blankets. It is very easy to clean, very light, and very soft. It could also be made in part from recycled plastic bottles. It is also good because it doesn’t hurt the environment. Polar fleece can stretch more easily in one direction than in any other.

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