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What Are the Benefits of an Extended Car Warranty?



If your car is still relatively new, you may be wondering if you need an extended car warranty. After all, the manufacturer’s warranty is probably still in effect. An extended car warranty is an insurance policy that covers the cost of repairs to a vehicle for a longer period of time than the manufacturer’s original warranty. Many people choose to purchase an extended warranty because they believe it will save them money in the long run. An extended warranty can be purchased through the dealership where you bought your car or through a third-party company.

There are several benefits to purchasing an extended car warranty. Additional coverage can provide everything from peace of mind and money savings to helping you retain the maximum value of your car. Keep reading to learn more about extended car warranties and whether or not you need one.

Peace of Mind

When you have an extended car warranty, you can get peace of mind that you are protected against the expense of an unexpected mechanical issue with your vehicle. If something goes wrong with your car, you can take it to the shop and know that the costs of the repair will be taken care of. An extended car warranty is an insurance policy on your vehicle, and it acts as a safeguard against expensive, unforeseen repairs. Many feel that the peace of mind and protection afforded by an extended warranty is worth the cost.

Custom Options

One of the great things about extended car warranties is that they are often customizable. You can choose what level of coverage you want and what sort of deductibles and co-pays make sense for you. This means that you can tailor your extended warranty to fit both your budget and your driving habits.

For example, if you only drive your car a few thousand miles each year, you might not need as much coverage as someone who drives their car every day. Or, if you are willing to pay a bit more out-of-pocket for repairs, you could choose a policy with a higher deductible.

Similarly, if you know that you are likely to need repairs for an aging car, you might choose a more comprehensive policy. On the other hand, if you have a newer car, you might feel comfortable with a less comprehensive policy.

The bottom line is that extended car warranties give you the flexibility to choose the level of coverage that makes the most sense for you. And, because they can be customized, they can offer great value for the money.

Maximized Resale Value


An extended warranty is great for peace of mind. But did you know that an extended warranty can also help you maximize the resale value of your car? In many cases, an extended warranty is transferable. This means that if you sell your car before the warranty expires, the new owner will be able to take advantage of the coverage. This is a big selling point for used car buyers, as they know they won’t have to worry about expensive repairs for a while.

An extended warranty can also be used as a negotiation tool. If you’re selling your car and the buyer is haggling over the price, you can offer to include the extended warranty in the deal. This will sweeten the pot for the buyer and help you get closer to your asking price.

Including an extended warranty in the sale of your car can also help you sell it faster. Buyers are always looking for peace of mind, and an extended warranty provides just that. So, if you’re thinking of selling your car, remember that an extended warranty can be a valuable tool in helping you maximize its resale value.

Reduced Stress and Hassle


An extended car warranty can provide reduced stress and hassle when your vehicle needs repairs. If you have an extended warranty, you can simply take your car to the dealership or authorized repair shop and have the repairs covered. You won’t have to worry about the cost of repairs, as the warranty will take care of it. This can be a big relief, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

Overall, the benefits of an extended car warranty are vast. From saving money on costly repairs to increasing the value of your car, an extended car warranty can be a valuable investment.

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SS Jemal’s CENTRAL Project – Setting a New Benchmark for Affordable Luxury Housing in New York




New York is perhaps the most wildly popular metropolitan city worldwide. It is home to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and Central Park, among many other famous landmarks. However, what truly fascinates people is the city being a land of opportunities.

SS Jemal, an honorable citizen of the United States

SS Jemal – Making Luxury Lifestyle Apartments Affordable

That said, finding an affordable place to live in New York is next to impossible. The real estate prices are sky-high, almost as high as the skyscrapers that dominate the city’s skyline. Even the upper-middle class is forced to live on the outskirts of boroughs such as Manhattan. The rent is so steep that you could get an entire house in other states for the same price as a dilapidated one-bedroom apartment in New York.

New York is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world, and there is a constant demand for good quality yet affordable living quarters for students and other people coming here for opportunities. Despite the continuous demand in the market for years, no real estate company has been able to fulfill the requirement.

This is where SS Jemal steps in. As a visionary real estate developer, he capitalized on the window of opportunity immediately, and the idea of CENTRAL was born.

The Idea Behind CENTRAL

CENTRAL has been devised to solve all the real estate problems of the working class. You will no longer have to wait out the best years of life living in an apartment in bad shape until you have saved enough to rent a better apartment. SS Jemal’s project is based on the need to balance out the disparity that exists between the working class and elites.

CENTRAL presented by JemRock Organization

CENTRAL and JemRock logo

CENTRAL‘s trademark slogan is ‘Live, Work, Be Well’, and its entire ideology revolves around this slogan. It is made for people who work all day and then come home to kick back and relax. The handsome salaries they earn should be enough to maintain high living standards. The condos and apartments being built by Jemal under the umbrella of this project are complete will all amenities and facilities that were previously only accessible to the socialites – a private gym, , work/business centers, rooftop decks, entertainment areas,  restaurants, and bars.

Early Life and Professional Journey of SS Jemal

New York has always been home to SS Jemal. Not only was he born and raised in Brooklyn, but it is also the place where he started his first job. At ten, SS was already working alongside and being fully trained by his father, Norman N. Jemal, at his discount store in Harlem that had an electronics consession which fascinated him. He was quick to learn the art of business, and by the age of 14, he had helped expand his family business to three stores. This marked the beginning of SSJ’s inspiring journey.

In 1976, SS Jemal opened up the first branch of the renowned “Nobody Beats The Wiz” chain in Downtown Brooklyn. Soon afterward, the Wiz brand became a nationwide phenomenon, as SSJ opened up over a hundred stores across six US states. After the success of his flagship stores, SS Jemal entered New York’s real estate market by establishing his own in-house construction company. His first project involving working on retail shopping centers and over the ensuing decades stretched across 20 million sq. ft., which featured The Wiz as the anchor tenant and was an instant success. SS Jemal took great interest in the project, from the planning to the completion stage, learning everything about the construction business. The following year, Stephen made an important life decision and sold off his “Nobody Beats The Wiz” chain to devote all his time and focus on his real estate business. In 1997, SS Jemal began working on a prestigious waterfront development project, Roosevelt Island’s Southpoint, where he got the opportunity to gain knowledge of the state’s zoning rules and regulations.

While his real estate business flourished, SS Jemal’s social life was also at its peak. He charmed New York’s elites and business circle with his wit and striking personality. He made friends with the industry’s leaders and top realtors, establishing a solid reputation as an honorable citizen of the United States, and really built up his network of professionals and contacts at the top level of New York City.

SS Jemal

SS Jemal – the famous real estate developer

SS Jemal established his trademarked brand, “The Riviera,” next and took his waterfront development business to the next stage. He acquired waterfront properties in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, etc. He continued working on waterfront real estate projects for the next fifteen years and became an undisputed champion in this area.

Building CENTRAL’s Core Team

After the idea of CENTRAL took shape in his head, SS Jemal worked alongside his son, Norman S. Jemal, Member and COO of JemRock Organization, to put together a team of experts who understood and supported his mission and would put his plan into action.

CENTRAL will kick off in Manhattan, where the demand for affordable housing is currently at its peak. CENTRAL‘s core team consists of builders who have previously constructed penthouses and luxury condos in Manhattan; only this time, they will do it at a bargain.

The reason SS Jemal is able to construct high-end luxury apartments on a budget is that he is converting already existent magnificent buildings all over Manhattan and not doing expensive, time-consuming ground-up development. In partnership with Alex Elkin of Eastbound Construction, whom is merging into JemRock, they will be  procuring lower-cost quality items by purchasing them in bulk and directly from the manufacturers and will be building everything at wholesale pricing as opposed to retail. JemRock, with the vastly experienced Eastbound team will be personally managing every aspect of this massive construction initiative to save time, expand control and save cost.

The tightly knitted core team handles the project in an organized manner so that there are minimum delays and each project can be expeditiously completed.

After all, SS Jemal and Norman are reaching for the stars, and if anyone can accomplish this, it’s SS Jemal and his world-class team.

The Current Status of the CENTRAL Project

At present, SS Jemal and Norman S. Jemal are working on launching CENTRAL for New York residents and looking forward to celebrating its success. After completing the first phase of CENTRAL, SS Jemal has plans to launch the project nationwide at first, then globally.

It is safe to say that the CENTRAL project is nothing short of history in the making. It gives working-class New Yorkers a chance to fulfill their dream of living in a luxury apartment. And just like The Wiz; Let’s wait, watch and wow and see how the Jemal’s great dream becomes a reality-again!

Stay tuned to this platform for more news and updates on SS Jemal’s real estate journey.

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Considering the sky-rocketing rent and property costs, renting a luxury apartment in New York has become next to impossible. This applies to the upper working-class population of New York, comprising of young entrepreneurs and business people earning up to a six-figure salary. The current average rental costs for a decent New York luxury apartment fall between $3,000 to $5,000 plus, which working-class New Yorkers cannot afford at the moment.

SS Jemal was among the first few real estate developers to identify this economic disparity and decided to counter it with a brilliant plan – the CENTRAL project. This real estate project aims to make luxury housing affordable for working-class New York residents.

SS Jemal, an honorable citizen of the United States

SS Jemal – Making Luxury Lifestyle Apartments Affordable

Meet SS Jemal – The Mastermind Taking New York’s Luxury Housing Industry by Storm

SS Jemal is a first-generation honorable citizen of the United States. Born to immigrant parents who had settled in the United States of America to fulfill their American dream, SS was the youngest of eight children.

These circumstances forced Jemal to start working from a young age, but he used this to his advantage. SS Jemal’s school years were spent working away at his father’s discount store, where he learned the nitty-gritty of running a business. This proved to be a blessing in disguise. Despite receiving no formal education, SS Jemal racked up his knowledge first by being mentored by his great father Norman N. Jemal and by successfully running and expanding his family’s electronics store network.

With his father’s guidance, direction, vision and great wisdom SS Jemal then started his famous “Nobody Beats the Wiz” electronics store chain. Within a short time span, the retail chain had expanded over six states and was worth billions of dollars in valuation. However, SS Jemal’s thirst for more didn’t end there; he wanted to do his own thing. After the sale of The Wiz in 1997, SS Jemal started his own real estate company and focused on developing waterfront properties. Jemal responded to an RFP for Southpoint on Roosevelt Island and although he was competing against some of the largest national development companies in America, he actually won the bid. His idea stood out among the other participants and was very well received by the board. Ultimately, after 7 years of trying to make a go of this project that he won and earned, the NIMBY’s got him, but Jemal gained a wealth of experience in NYC zoning regulations and established invaluable relationships in the NY real estate industry that today is proving most valuable to him in his newest venture: CENTRAL. SS Jemal has displayed his tenacity and work ethic and refusal to ever give up and seems to be a person who will not be denied success.

SS Jemal’s next idea is trademarked as ‘CENTRAL‘ , with a trademarked slogan mark, “Live, Work, Be Well.”  Now Stephen is all set to build affordable and luxurious apartments in all prime locations throughout Manhattan, giving a high-quality life to the masses. It will not just be a closely guarded possession of elite socialites; SS Jemal along with his oldest son Norman S. Jemal are building something more inclusive and offering a new way of living for the average working-class New Yorker.

Here Is Why New Yorkers Need to Get Excited For the CENTRAL Project

New York’s real estate market is notorious throughout the world for being extremely competitive and expensive. Out of all five boroughs of New York, Manhattan is particularly expensive. Also known as the heart of New York City, Manhattan remains the undisputed financial and social hub of NYC. From small, local coffee shops to the towering skyscrapers of multinational companies, everyone gets a chance to dream their little dream of making it big in The Big Apple here.

SS Jemal spent most of his life in the streets of Brooklyn. He grew up and worked for most of his early life in Harlem. Living in the luxurious homes in Manhattan was a far-fetched dream for him initially, but he knew that one day he would get there.

The idea of CENTRAL stems from Jemal’s past personal life. SS Jemal has had to put in several years of hard work and overcome extreme adversity to get to where he is today. Being a true American patriot at heart, SS Jemal has decided to give back to his community, so they don’t have to work as hard as him to live out their dreams and an six-figure earner who works their tail off will now finally be able to actually afford living in a luxury apartment in Manhattan that is replete with the exact amenities and lifestyle they desire and yearn for.

CENTRAL presented by JemRock Organization

CENTRAL and JemRock logo

CENTRAL is a collaborative project involving many professionals. SS Jemal took the initiative along with his son Norman S. Jemal, the Member and COO of JemRock Organization. They employed the help of many others, architects, designers, planners, experts in the construction business, attorney specialists and real estate professionals, to make this possible. These attorneys added the final legal touches to the project making it totally unique and properly capitalized it is now ready for public launch commencing in Manhattan. As Jemal points out, Manhattan is only the beginning as he plans to expand CENTRAL into several other great cities in America and with his world-class team that he has in place, take this same concept overseas to the greatest cities in the world.

SS Jemal’s brilliance reflects in every project he has established, and the CENTRAL project is no exception. His passion and exuberance for CENTRAL really comes thru and to this writer, this man will not be denied. Making luxury mansions and penthouses in central Manhattan more affordable for working-class Americans, not just the multi-millionaires and billionaires, CENTRAL will redefine the luxury housing industry in New York.

Norman S. Jemal – the Member & COO of JemRock Organization

Norman S. Jemal sitting with brothers Solomon and Richard

The Next Steps? Here’s How SS Jemal’s Future Endeavors Look Like!

CENTRAL’s launch is in the pipeline, and the project will be revealed and open to the general public soon. Currently, the Jemal family is focused on making a grand entrance into New York’s real estate sector with CENTRAL‘s launch. With decades worth of experience in launching successful marketing campaigns for several of his own brands, SS Jemal is planning another exciting curtain-raiser for CENTRAL‘s launch in partnership with the famous George Shea of Shea Communications to create a buzz in the real estate and the marketing world.

It’s important to note that this won’t be the end of the CENTRAL project. SS Jemal has a long-term vision for the expansion of this one-of-a-kind initiative. After launching the program in New York, SSJ plans to expand it across other USA states and eventually release it in other countries to reach a global audience.

SS Jemal has already made waves in New York’s real estate industry, and he’s bound to take the global market by storm with his knowledge, organizational skills, and visionary leadership. Jemal makes sure to consistently note the high caliber of the team he has assembled to execute on his plan from concept to completion and even beyond. Jemal has much pride in his team, their ability to execute and constantly praises and credits them as his strongest asset. I would not bet against this man.

If you want to learn more about the CENTRAL project, stay tuned to this space for more news and updates.

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How To Find Success in Today’s Job Market




In today’s job market, it can be difficult to find success. With so many people competing for jobs, it’s essential that you stand out from the crowd. There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of landing the job you want. Keep reading to learn more.

Use online resources to your advantage.

In order to find success in today’s job market, it is important to use online resources to your advantage. This can help you connect with potential employers, network with other professionals, and learn new skills. Start by connecting with a staffing agency. A staffing agency is an organization that connects employers with employees. Staffing agencies typically specialize in a particular industry or type of job, such as healthcare, information technology, or manual labor. They maintain a database of qualified workers and can help employers quickly find the right employee for the job. Staffing agencies also often provide temporary staffing services, which allow businesses to hire workers for short-term projects or assignments. There are also a number of websites that allow you to search for jobs and submit your resume online. Additionally, many companies have their own websites where you can learn about their company culture, read job descriptions, and apply for jobs.

Narrow down your options.

The job market is constantly changing, and it can be tough to find a job that’s the right fit for you. However, don’t despair. You can narrow down your options by looking at what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. This can help you slim down your search and focus on jobs that are a good match for your skills and interests. When you’ve applied for jobs and trying to figure out what works best, you can start looking at and comparing logistics. This includes health benefits, retirement benefits, and other perks. Will you need individual health benefits? Do you plan on asking for additional information from your potential employer regarding life insurance or long-term care? When it comes to narrowing down your options for open roles, these are the factors you should consider before committing to an offer.

Utilize your personal network.


In order to find success in today’s job market, it is important to utilize your personal network. Your personal network consists of your family, friends, and acquaintances who can help you find a job or connect you with someone who can. They may be able to refer you to a potential employer, provide information about job openings, or give you advice on how to improve your resume or interview skills. To start building your personal network, begin by reaching out to the people you know best. Talk to your family and friends about your job search and ask for their help in finding opportunities. If they know anyone who is hiring, they may be able to introduce you to them. You can also use social media platforms to connect with professionals in your field and ask for advice or recommendations. The more people you know and connect with, the better chance you have of finding a job. Stay connected with your personal network and update them on your progress; they will be more likely to help if they see that you are putting in the effort yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most people are happy to do whatever they can to assist a friend in need. Utilize your personal network today and watch as your job hunt becomes easier than ever before.

In order to find success in today’s job market, it is important to be well-rounded and have a variety of skills. Additionally, it is important to be proactive and network with others in order to find job opportunities.

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